The Importance Of Insight

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The essence of insight is the mental energy (awareness creates an energy of its own which adds to the lucidity of the situation), which in effect perceives and dissolves the subtle and yet powerful forces in knowledge – emotional, social, and still others that are beyond description – that hold us in rigid compartmentalization of functions and ideas. Awareness de-conditions us. It prevents the mind from adding its own baggage to the situation at hand. After the mind is thus freed of certain blocks that are inherent in its accumulated knowledge, it is able to operate in new ways. Awareness is the flame in which Samskāra are reduced to ashes! Insight dissolves blocks and barriers, which allows the ordinary faculties of the mind to give rise to…show more content…
You cannot choose to have awareness or insight because in that case choosing involves the mind entering through the back door. The action of insight is total and immediate. Awareness leads to fresh perception, which can, from moment to moment, reveal what is the perfect order of priorities that would be right for each occasion. It is directly and immediately important for the overall quality of human life. In the long run awareness is necessary for a life that is worth…show more content…
These bonds do not allow the human being to see the present (present situation) as it is and respond to it appropriately. Due to this, human consciousness / mind is perpetually mired in conflicts. Man tries to solve the problem or respond to the situation through the medium of his knowledge and thought. But according to JK these are limited and imperfect. Hence the solutions coming from them are also inadequate. JK exhorts man to abdicate his knowledge and thought and resort to what he calls as “non-personal perception”, “seeing without the self as the center”, “pure perception or attention”, etc. This is nothing but Awareness. This type of center-less perception can take man away from the vicious circle of experience-knowledge-memory-thought-action-experience. This “seeing” will transform human consciousness and be able to present solutions which are most appropriate to the circumstances. Life will then be worth living. JK approaches human mind and awareness in a revolutionary manner without taking help from any philosophies or scriptures. His avowed goal is to set man free from all bondages by generating awareness leading to real happiness and harmony in
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