Self Awareness In Nursing

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Subjects and Methods The aim of the study is to promote self-awareness and self-efficacy for psychiatric nurses . Research Hypothesis Psychiatric nurses who will participate in the study will have high level self-efficacy and self-awareness . Research Design A quasi-experimental design (one group pretest-post test design) was used to achieve the aim of the study . Research Setting The study was conducted at the Psychiatric Hospital in Mit-Khalf at Menoufia, Egypt. . Subjects AConvenience samples of 50 Psychiatric nurseswere included in the study from September 2015 and lasted until April 2016. The researchers collected the data during the morning shift at four days/week from 10 AM to 1 PM. The subjects were divided into groups (each group…show more content…
2- Self Efficacy Scale (SES) This tool was developed by Jerusalem &Schwarzer (1992). It was created to assess general sense of perceived self efficacy with the aim in mind to predict coping with daily hassles as well as adaptation after experiencing all kinds of stressful life events. Self efficacy scale has 22 items in a 3-point Likert-type scale with scores that can be as…show more content…
2- importance of self awareness 3- methods of developing self-awareness and self-efficacy as a component of therapeutic use of self 4- active listening as a component of therapeutic use of self 3- Identifying Media and methods of teaching:- - Media:- - Show films for participants, data show. - By the end of each session, give them handouts which contain (information about self-awareness and self-efficacy plus home work exercises. - Methods of teaching:- Skills training are carried out using the learning principles of guiding, modeling, practice, feedback, lecture, group discussion and brain storming. Time, duration and setting for the lectures:- -We will give sessions at the faculty of nursing in the class room, the schedule is: 10 AM – 11 AM, 2 days / week for 4 weeks and length of session will be from 45 to 60 minutes. - Determine methods of evaluation (written, oral, problem solving, summative and formative). Implementation Phase The data were conducted at The Psychiatric Hospital in Mit-Khalf at Menoufia,
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