The Cno's Practice Guidelines For Practicing Cultural Care

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Understanding the concept of values is important in nursing because they affect the process of developing opinions and attitudes. A value is something that describes a sense of importance and worth, and a belief is a concept that one carries out with conviction. The two are closely related because beliefs can establish a set of values, and values can affect what we choose to believe in. The CNO's practice guidelines for “Practicing Cultural Care,” everyone has a set values that affects the way they interpret the world and interact with people on a daily basis. Values are incorporated into anything or anyone that has a focus or direction, such individuals, organizations, religions or professions. Values are the building blocks upon which nursing…show more content…
Facing conflict is not a concern, but unresolved conflict due to personal values can be affect client care. The CNO's practice guideline of “Conflict Management and Prevention” states that “conflicts that remain unresolved can have farreaching effects that ultimately influence every aspect of client care.” In a article published by the Nursing Times, they looked at the coping mechanisms of mental health nurses that experience value conflict with colleagues and institutions. Many nursing ethical values outlined in the Canadian Nursing Organization such as as autonomy, well-being and client-choice were being violated due to institution regulations. Due to the inability to provide client-centered care and deal with the 'value conflict' was assumed to be the cause of “high levels of stress, burnout and attrition in mental health nursing,” The article goes on to highlight that the inability for nurses to cope with their own conflict, can affect their ability to provide the best care for their patients. According to CNA's value of being accountable, it is the duty of the nurse or a colleague to intervene and take the appropriate measures if they do not have the physicial, mental or emotional capability to provide and safe and competent care. (CNO). It is…show more content…
Values and beliefs influence our attitudes, response, and interactions with individuals. Self-reflection gives nurses an opportunity to learn about themself and provide nonjudgmental and nondiscriminatory care (JOURNAL/REFLECT). Value clarification through reflections should be an on-going process in nursing education, and used throughout a professional career. Reflections are also important for establishing a sense of well-being (CNA ETHICS) and maintaining a high level of nursing care. In the previous examples we saw how the absence of value reflections affected the quality of care that patients with HIV were receiving (HIV). Sometimes after self-reflection, the conflict of values remains. It essential to address the on-going 'value conflict' by engaging in discussion and research. If neglected, it can lead to distress, burnout and frequent turn-over in staff (COPE). As highlighted in the clinical synopsis above, it is imperative for all future and present nurses to reflect and study their personal values and beliefs to prevent 'value conflicts. Simply put, how can a nurse know the effect of their personal values on patient care if they do not engage in

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