Professional Reflection In Nursing

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Introduction ‘Professional Reflection is a conscious, dynamic process of thinking about, analyzing, and learning from an experience that gives you insights into self and practice. These new insights, in return, help you respond to similar clinical situations with a changed perspective’ (Asselin & Cullen 2011). Health care practitioners can use this opportunity to reflect on how they interact with their coworkers and within the environment to get a clear picture of their performance in workplace. According to Asselin & Cullen (2011), professional reflection is largely viewed as a very important part of professional practice. Professional reflection helps in improving critical thinking and communication skills. Reflection also helps in changing the approach towards a patient’s care or similar situation and also it encourages self-awareness. Value and…show more content…
Professional reflection plays vital role in nursing practice. Young nurses and nurses who deal with the emotional conflict or face situations they think were hard on them are encouraged to undergo professional reflection. There are many reasons why this process is used in nursing. Nurses are responsible for providing the best care to their patients. This process can help them ensure that their knowledge is up to date and they are able to meet the standards with their level of skills and behavior. Constantly updating professional skills is a requirement for nurses which can be achieved by professional reflection. Keeping the reflections in folder also provides with an opportunity to look back on previous performances to see the development in skills and areas of improvement in practice overall. Professional reflection can be used to consider the ways in which nurses communicate with their patients and colleagues. By making full use of the chances to gain the feedback from their colleagues and looking from patient’s perspective they can achieve this goal (Somerville & Keeling

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