The Importance Of Knowledge

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THE PROBLEM--ITS BACKGROUND Man's pursuit for knowledge has led to the improvement and increase of significant volume of information. This quest for knowledge recognizes no restrictions and limits and is never satisfied. It has continued since the birth of evolution to the present age. This hard-earned understanding and information is cherished for the whole mankind and therefore responsible to be well-kept. Through the unearthing of paper man has been able to express this knowledge to others by writing books. Thousands of manuscripts have been written by the wise men of the previous times but many of them were ruined due to the lack of proper means of preservation. With the discovery of printing press, it became at ease to preserve the knowledge…show more content…
Agbo mentioned that from its earliest, modest beginning, libraries have, till today, been closely associated with and thus closely related to both concepts. Hence, knowledge and information is still the ‘focus of interest’ of different libraries and librarians paving the way to the birth of knowledge society. It’s an identified statement that no library even those in first world countries could claim comprehensiveness in their collection and this is more so for libraries in a developing country like the Philippines. Though the yearning to provide our clienteles with materials for their research needs regardless of a limited budget has always been the major stimulus that led librarians into means that could supplement whatever collection they have in their own library. And so consortium was presented. Consortia have been in our country even in the early 1930’s though it was labeled differently but the idea remains the same, as it is understood in the present year. The purpose of libraries have been shifting over periods becoming more faceted and multifarious. This modern concept of what a library is, disregard the definition given to it in the past. Libraries are not to be considered as institutions/ buildings / warehouses/ stores of materials but rather are…show more content…
This can be labelled a “consortium”, a “network”, an “association”, or a “virtual library”. It can also be a formal, informal, or government-sponsored institution. In the Philippines it all started as an informal organization of libraries who show cooperation in their simple purpose of interlibrary lending. As time passes by it developed and led to the first consortium, the Inter-Institutional Consortium which was established in 1972.The original members are De La Salle University-Manila, St. Scholastic’s College, St. Paul College-Manila, Philippine Christian University, and Philippine Normal
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