Nursing Assessment In Health Care

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The nursing assessment at the rehabilitation ward for Mr R takes a complete nursing record which is followed by physical and psychological examination. The former of which consists of using a number assessment tools and nursing models such as the Roper, Logan and Tierney model of nursing and the Barthel index to assess his independence and well-being. The data collected form these assessments will then be used to shape the care plan, the primary objective of which is blood sugar reduction to ensure there is no wound healing impairment. The relevance of glucose to risk of infection in diabetics post operation and the protocol to reduce such risk formed part of the study by Zerr et al (1997). The study was conducted over a period of 6 years…show more content…
Ellis et al (2002) conclude form their meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials of diabetes management that patient education improves glycemic control. So, part of the education plan for Mr R on self-management of his condition is to make him aware of the spike in blood sugar level that could be caused by his ‘sweet treats’ which may then trigger another hyperglycemic attack. Similarly, advice is given on his daily ‘swigging’ of brandy in accordance with Diabetes UK, (2011), to ensure that he eats plenty of carbohydrates when doing so. Mr R is also made aware of the relationship between glucose and insulin effect exercise and good diet…show more content…
Empowering Mr R by education on self-management to “increase his internal locus of control” (Rother, 1954) seemed the more reasonable approach since this was less likely to be imposing change, as ultimately, it is Mr R that needs to understand and make an informed decision on how to self-manage his hyperglycemic condition and diabetes. Funnell (2003) agrees with this notion, as patients suffer the direct results of their decisions they have the right and the obligation to consider their situation in a way that is reflective of the tradition and the context of their lives. Thorne & Paterson (1998) strongly believe in the patient being the competent expert with regards to decision-making in respect of their chronic condition. An evidence base that supports this is the small scale qualitative descriptive methodological study of 26 participants by Whittemore & Dixon (2007) that the individual should not overlooked by their condition but that they are the experts in the management of their condition and thus their perspectives and needs should be put at the forefront. Consequently, nursing practice has shifted from being prescriptive to an all-encompassing, holistic type of care that endeavors to appreciate the complexities of the person and their

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