The Importance Of Nursing Role In Nursing

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Portfolio project Throughout the years of studying for the nursing program, a lot of information have been read, revise and analyzing with the intention of developing a better understanding of the nursing role on the medical field. By being able to look back to a variety of prior papers created as part of the program, the understanding of the intention of those projects become clearer as development of researching, analyzing, critical thinking and understanding of evidence base practice. The rationalization of looking at evidence base practice as an important tool at the time of approaching any particular situation seems now as the best rational way, when I have to face a conflict or dilemma not only along the nursing career but also in my personal life situations that require a more objective approach. The importance of questioning and reasoning appear as the normal way to be, without ignoring…show more content…
It allows me to understand that everyone’s beliefs, values or priorities are not the same as mine; therefore, the recognition that I can use tools like the code of ethics at times of internal conflict to help me clarify my thought process and therefore contribute to my professional growth. Also, Nursing Care of Adult Clients with Health Alterations I Clinical, NSG354 “Medication Patient Education project” was impacting to my understanding of the importance of patient education. Besides my nervousness, I recalled it was a good experience to be able to educate a patient from a subject that can benefit not only the patient but the family as well. The educations was about how nicotine patch can reduce craving for smoking and finally help the patient with quick smoking. Finally, both experiences allow me to practice what will be along last big responsibility activity during my nursing career which is educate

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