Role Of Project Manager

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Journal 1 The roles of project manager to ensure that the client is satisfied and the work scope is finishes in an excellent manner follow the budge and within allocated time. Successful project manager has numerous great characteristics which are include planning, organizing, controlling and leading. • Planning It is the primary characteristics of management. It offers with chalking out a future course of movement and identifying earlier the most suitable course of actions for fulfilment of pre-decided goals. According to KOONTZ, “Planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when to do & how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be”. The project manager defines the project goals or target and reaches settlement…show more content…
The project manager has to decide which responsibilities need to be carried out and which responsibilities need to be completed via consultants or subcontractors. Furthermore, according to Henry Fayol, “To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s”. • Controlling According to Theo Haimann, “Controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation”. To control the project, the project manager implements a control data system designed to tract the real development or progress and compares it with deliberate progress. One of these system facilitates the project manager distinguish between tied up and accomplishments. • Leading Project manager encourage a development of a common vision and mission to the team members. He needs to certainly outline the roles, duties and overall performance expectations for all his team members. Project manager also have to be efficient enough to get rid of any obstacles that hinder team progress. He needs to promote team participation in trouble solving and decision making…show more content…
It approaches the precise obstacle of the project. It is commonly, the role of the project manager to outline the project target and talk it to the project team and other parties that involved in the project. Defining goal is one most essentials characteristics of project management. In information generation projects, as an example, the project manager is chargeable for growing the overall project plan. But, this need to be coordinated with the entire project employees. It is to ensure that all the project employees have both making plan and executing abilities and experience in the specific field. • Directing and dealing project execution The project manager is expected to lead the project team and manage stakeholder relationships in order to ensure that the project plan is executed successfully (Schwalbe 2009). Directing and dealing execution of the project require the usage of specialized tools and strategies. A number of the particulars equipment and strategies that project managers’ use in directing and dealing project execution consists of professional judgment. • Coordination of activities, resources and

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