Project Manager Responsibilities

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THE ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF A PROJECT MANAGER FOR A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT A construction project manager is the person who is in charge of a project from beginning to the end. The project manager are given goals to achieve such as making sure that the project is completed within the time given and the project is not over budget. Construction project manager involves in constructing the commercial, industrial, residential building and also the bridges and roads. Project manager responsibilities covers all aspects of the construction process from the planning, design, execution, and controlling of project to the completion of the project. There are several responsibilities that are needed to be a project manager. This responsibility is needed…show more content…
Planning is the process of setting goals and objective of the project. Planning is very vital because it helps the project manager to make a strategy in doing a big scale project. Project manager must have a very detailed plan of the project. From the proposed project the project manager must identify the estimated duration of the project and all the work need to be performed. This includes the preparation that need to be done before the start of project such as feasibility plan of the project. Feasibility plan includes the study of the effect of the construction project to the proposed area. Project manager must make an environmental impact assessment to the proposed area. The project manager must also estimates the cost of the project, this estimation is important because from the estimation the project manager will make a construction team and plan the resources. The project must make sure the availability of the resources and also obtain equipments and machineries. Some of the machinery is too expensive to buy and so the project manager must obtain it by renting. The project manager also needs to keep track of its inventory to make sure no lost of any equipments or machinery. If any machinery is broken there will be no waiting time and it will not affect the duration of the…show more content…
The project manager is not only involved in the planning of the project and making sure it is finished within the time frame given but also leading other worker. Leading can be defined as the art of making sure that a group of people can work as a team or one unit. In every construction project, project manager is needed to give instruction and to supervise the progress of work in order to achieve the project objective. The project manager have the right to fire staff who is not performing well for example the staff who comes late to the work, and those who spends more time sipping coffee than doing work. It is the job of the project manager to make sure that the work is done and the staffs that are not performing well will definitely affect the result of the project. When the result of the project is affected the cost of project can rise, duration of the project will increase and the quality of the project will drop. The project manager also must know how to handle dispute between the staff. If there is a conflict between the staff it will affect the harmony in the work place and will slow down the project because the staff needs to take time to resolve their dispute. Project manager must take the right step in maintaining good relationship between the staff and keep the work
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