Anti Oppressive Issues In Social Care

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The main purpose of this report is to evaluate the context of health and social care in relation to a particular health issue. The health issue that is considered in this paper is of mental illness. At first, the anti-oppressive practice and cultural barriers from the perspective of health professionals and individuals is provided along with the anti-discriminative legislation or relevant policies for mental illness. Moreover, it discusses other aspects as well which includes financial implications that are faced by professionals, impact of health and social care reform in NHS, future of the strategies and support for individuals, society’s attitude towards mental illness and relation of person centred approach and systems theory with individual…show more content…
With the help of this practice, the influence of oppression can be removed or negated. It does not involve established and traditional mode. Anti-oppressive practices are considered as evolving, innovative, and contentious as it focuses on empowering the relationship of clients in the context of current oppression in the society and practice. Oppression results due to imbalance between control and care services. It is known as the relationship that divides people into superior or dominant groups and subordinate. Therefore, in the context of social work, the main purpose of anti-oppressive model is to perform and encourage equal, non-oppressive social relationships present among different personalities. Hence, from the perspective of both individual and health professionals anti-oppressive are the important practice of healthcare because it helps in overcoming the impact of oppression on the society and individuals (Larson,…show more content…
However, from the prospect of medical expert the margin of error is low for them that is why they have to be very conscious at the time of dealing with the patients because delay in the treatment process would affect an individual in a negative manner. Moreover, it is a core duty of the top officials of health care institution and state to provide all sorts of assistance in terms of finance and resources in order to enhance the quality of health care services to the utmost level (Goldman, et al.,

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