The Importance Of Project Management

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QUESTION 1 Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project planned activities to meet certain project requirements.1 Information Technology project management by Kathy Schwalbe. The planned activities are undertaken by a group of people to achieve specific goals set for the project, a project may be divided into any number of phase. QUESTION 2 Software projects have numerous properties that makes them very different from other types of projects. Based on logical work while other are measured by physical work, which is why complexity of software engineering projects cannot be measured until it is worked on. Intangibility/Invisibility of progress software projects, progress cannot be measured…show more content…
Figure 1: Role of Management in Software Development 3 People Software project managers requires good people skills, by understanding the psychology of people and have good leadership. Software projects were never guaranteed successes however; a good manager increases the probability of success rates. It is a project manger’s responsibility to motivate, encourage, guide, manage and control the members under his/her wing. Product Defining objectives and scope of work must be defined clearly to give a clear overview for the team. Without proper requirements, it would be very difficult for project managers to define a schedule for the project, cost budgets and time for development. Process Process provides the team the backbone to establish a working plan for the development. With a weak process, the product will not be able to meet the standards that was agreed. It is the project managers’ responsibility to find the most suitable life cycle model to fit the team and the product’s requirements. 4…show more content…
Therefore, during the three months that I was on the team for my internship, I helped with coding on some of the user interface designs, setting up and testing the database for storing user profiles and helped with some of the graphics work that was needed. I was explained that I was not given major tasks because of my lack of knowledge and experience, and the time of my stay was short so they did not want the trouble of handing/taking over. COST GOALS As an intern, I was not given much details of the budget. My team was solely hired into the company to work on the mobile application. I only knew that my salary was capped at $800/month. I tried to recreate a nominal plan of what my team’s annual salary would be. NOMINAL PLAN Project Manager S$84,595 Senior Programmer S$70,525 Junior Programmer 2x S$56,895 Graphic Designer S$29,701 Intern (3MTHS) S$2400 Management Metric Planning Value Effort (staff months) 51 Schedule (calendar months) 12 Cost S$301,011 Table 3: Nominal plan cost CONCLUSION I left the team around their fifth month period when they were still in the middle of the development phase. Two months after my departure, I heard the project went into hiatus because our project manager left abruptly. Nobody in the team was experienced enough to replace the project manager and they did not hire another project manager in time; so the project was axed shortly
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