Essay On Typhoid Fever

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TYPHOID (ENTERIC FEVER) DESCRIPTION Typhoid fever, also known as typhoid or enteric fever, is an acute symptomatic bacterial infection caused due to Salmonella typhi. It is a type of enteric fever which is a severe and occasionally life-threatening febrile illness, contracted by the ingestion of contaminated food or water. Sometimes it can also be caused by Salmonella paratyphi serovar A, B or C, a related bacterium which is majorly associated with less severe illness known as paratyphoid fever. Reservoir of infection and incubation period Human gallbladder mainly serves as a reservoir for typhoid causing pathogens. The incubation period is usually 8-14 days, but this depends on the infective dose and can vary from three days to one month.…show more content…
• It may occasionally be contracted through direct contact with infected person. • It is majorly a water-borne disease and transmission of infection is mainly due to eating or drinking food or water contaminated with the faeces of an infected person. Carrier state In some individuals, the bacteria may be present in their system but no symptoms are observed. Such people may carry the bacterium without being affected; however, they are still able to spread the disease to others and are said to be in a carrier state. SYMPTOM Symptoms may vary from mild to severe and usually begin six to thirty days after exposure. Typhoid fever is a septicaemic illness characterised initially by • Fever (starting as low grade fever and reaching as high as 104.9F in few days) • Bradycardia • Splenomegaly • Hepatomegaly • Abdominal symptoms like swelling, pain, tenderness etc. • Headache • Malaise • Lethargy • Weakness • Constipation • Fatigue • Dry

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