Religious Fasting Benefits

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Short: Does religious fasting benefits health? Descrtiptive: Modern studies show positive effects of religious fasting on health Summary: Fasting is an important spiritual aspect of many religions. As well as the abstinence from food (and sometimes drink) fasting is also usually a time of prayer, reflection and purification. It is a time for people to adapt a healthier lifestyle by learning self-control and making changes to their diet. Key words: abstention, starvation, diet, food, withdrawal, nutrition, obesity At first it might seem that the religious fasting has negative consequences for the human health, and it sometimes looks, as meaningless ritual starvation that expresses loyalty to God and the faith with torturing the body and endangering life. However, such opinion, especially now in the modern age, can have only ignorant, uneducated or…show more content…
Benefits of religious fasting on health Shelton in his book Le Jeune points some of the benefits of religious fasting on health: (Shelton 1970) • relaxes the body and removes some difficulties (facilitates the work of the digestive system, because it reduces fat and uric acid in blood). Increased fat in blood leads to arterial stiffness, and increased uric acid can cause gout and arthritis; • facilitates the work of the kidneys and the urinary channels by reducing urination; • sharpens vision: after fasting peole see and feel twice time better; • removes toxins accumulated in the body and prevents the absorption of substances accumulated in the intestine; • enhances the discernment of the mind; (excessive food intake full with fats leads to laziness, lethargy and poor reflection); • activates the digestive system and promotes its

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