Comparing Beowulf, Paradise Lost, And The Canterbury Tales

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The Never Ending Conflict Between Good and Evil The constant battle between good and evil has been the driving force, which propels men to greatness or delivers them to darkness, defeated. Conflict manifests itself throughout major literary works, such as “Beowulf”, “Paradise Lost”, and “The Canterbury Tales.” These influential English works use the struggle between light and darkness to portray the issues of heroism and religion. The battle unfolds on each page of the works as if painted on canvas by war. In a dark, desolate world, onto what savior can mankind cling? Society can never be consumed by a malice world, for there is always the super- eminent to counteract. Canterbury Tales exhibits the religious dichotomy between morality and…show more content…
In the story Beowulf, the men, “whose songs are ever the echoes of their age,” symbolize the joy and goodness in the people (Disraeli). In merriment, the people joined in chants of song and drank in celebration of victories or just pure happiness. Contrarily, this joyous melody angers the demons. The hellish Grendel symbolizes the force of darkness that reckons with the superior vanquisher, Beowulf. No matter what obscene monster presents itself, Beowulf saves the day. The odds of winning are always in Beowulf’s favor, persuading the conclusion in Beowulf’s benefit. He possesses the characteristics of nobility as king, a honorable reputation, bravery in war and sacrifice for his people. He stands as a role model to common people, such as those mentioned in Canterbury Tales, to fulfill their abilities to show goodness even when the darkness opposes a threat. Thus, He provides hope to the people rooting for the favorable to prevail. The ending reveals light shining through the darkness, as Beowulf defeats every enemy. When epic heroes are involved, the true fight between good and evil is not conveyed due to Beowulf’s inability to make mistakes. It is foreseen that the flawless and supernatural Beowulf, always overtakes the wicked. The winner of the battle has already been chosen and decided upon. “Vere,” meaning led in to destiny with no control, is popular in Nordic nature. Beowulf coincidentally, is a Nordic tale. The culture explains one lives and one dies. There is always an end to everything. One cannot always control the outcome. Thus, explaining the automatic good versus evil disposition between Beowulf and the demons. At all times, with no control and a led destiny, conflict is developed whether within or against an outside force. The battle already holds a predicted winner, with no subjection. Ever since the beginning of time, the battle between

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