Public Personnel Administration

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Review of Public Personnel Administration Dr. Chandra Shekar. S (Sathenapally), Dept. of Public Administration, Osmania University, Hyderabad. Phone No. 7799180058 E-Mail: Abstract: Personnel Administration, commonly known as Human Resources or HR, handles a great many issues in the workplace. Importance of Human Resource Development; Recruitment, training, career advancement, position classification, discipline, performance appraisal, promotion, pay and service conditions; employer-employee relations, grievance redressal mechanism; Code of conduct; Administrative ethics. Today we are to discuss Personnel Administration which is a very important aspect of Public Administration as well as Private Administration; in fact…show more content…
The first goal of personnel administration, therefore, is to organize all employees in such a way that allows them to cooperate and complete tasks in the best way possible. Examples of issues in this area include how many departments are necessary, how many individuals should be in each department, what the manager to employee ratio should be, and what alternate chains of command should be used when managers cannot be contacted. Organization also deals with how to assign individuals to specific projects, as well as keeping the employees healthy and safe in the work…show more content…
It led to establishments of posts like Labour Welfare Officer/Personnel Officer in public as well as private organizations that have evolved over time since the early 1930's. Taylor's Scientific Management was the foundation stone for the development of this field through his principle of scientific selection and systematic training and development of the worker and Gantt later emphasized on it by adding that together with the above there was also a need for obtaining the willing cooperation of the worker. The same was also emphasized by M.P Follett. The biggest watershed came with the advent of the Human Relations revolution which made the study / theory of this field interdisciplinary by integrating sociology, psychology, industrial psychology, social psychology, etc that brought in the approach of motivation and morale. Also a lot of events led to its growth in the practical sense like the shortage of labour and labour issues during the world wars, the Great Depression of 1930's warranted efficient personnel administration for elimination of wastage and maximum utilization of resources for maximum
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