Counter Corruption In Bangladesh

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Countering corruption should be the nation’s number-one priority in view of the ever-increasing horizon of political and administrative corruption and its harmful multifarious effects on the society-at-large. It needs to be understood by all that eradication of corruption is possible if strong political commitment exists. Without this, bureaucratic reorientation and a plangent and effective civil society, checking corruption turns into a very tough almost impossible task. In the context of Bangladesh only radical and fundamental policy measures initiated and strongly backed by a committed political leadership and supported and implied by a reoriented bureaucracy and watched and monitored by an organized and vocal civil society can prevent…show more content…
“It may also be added that since independence the number of ministries, departments and public service-holders has doubled” (Khan, 1997). In the context of present reality there is little rationale for maintaining a big public-sector edifice which contributes to corruption in public dealings. There is at the moment justification for right-sizing the government. Right-sizing of government will, among other things, will discourage creation and maintenance of different agencies and units and restrain doling out of public-service jobs as political…show more content…
“This has resulted in the inability to enforce financial agreements, stop theft in public enterprises and hold officials accountable for incorrect or delayed judgement” (World Bank, 1996a:viii). A number of actions need to be taken simultaneously to institutionalize and strengthen accountability to efficiently counter corruption. First, “a big-partisan parliamentary task force to be established to focus the standing committees, instituting the practice of questioning ministers and providing members of parliament with proper number of offices and research facilities and setting up of an office of Ombudsman” (World Bank, 1996a:viii). “A parliamentary secretariat should be established outside the area of civil service and manned by competent personnel employed separately and controlled by the speaker of the parliament” (Khan, 1997). Second, “the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) must be reorganized and emphasized by enhancing the capacity of the CAG” (World Bank, 1996a:ix). Third, “the standards of performance of ministries/divisions and their connected agencies should be made known to the citizens” (Rahman, et al., 1993:52). Fourth, “complaint systems should be in place in government agencies for wider use of citizens” (Khan, 1997). Fifth, monitoring procedures need to be strengthened so that the concerned civil servant knows the extent of compliance by his followers to relevant orders and

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