Philosophical Approach To Politics

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There are different perspectives of politics by various in different civilisations and because of that it is important to note that there several approaches to politics. This essay will be focusing on the analysis of the different approaches to politics furthermore looking at how politics and the political activity are linked hence beginning with the definitions of key concepts followed by the definition of approach, the classification of various approaches followed by explanation of the different approaches in relation to how they relate to politics and political activity. Importantly the inclusion of the argument that New institutionalism is the best approach of studying politics then followed by the final argument and analysis of the…show more content…
As indicated by Van Dyke "theory means pondered thought. Fairly more extensively it signifies general originations of closures and means, purposes and techniques." The motivation behind philosophical approach is to illuminate the words and terms utilized by the political savants. The enquiry began by the philosophical approach expels perplexity about the presumptions. In addition, rationality "is the examination or investigation of realities or standards fundamental all information and being." It implies that logic or philosophical approach attempt to discover reality of political occurrences or occasions. It investigates the goal of political compositions or the motivation behind the political. It has the characteristic of literary examination regarding that it focused in investigating what important philosophers developed and justification of their thoughts at the same time it looks at normative perspective on situations. For example, asking question the “why I should obey the state?”. The normative approach according to (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990,) normative political theory is a previous reflection about legislative issues and that can be easily identified. Plato and Aristotle can be seen as its founders. There are a few parts of their philosophical impression of legislative issues (or viable logic) which develop a regulating hypothesis: there is no division…show more content…
In addition, it involves the analysis of human actions. For example, the ideal way to describe the approach is “the prisoners dilemma.” (Heywood 2013, p.15). Moving on to the new institutionalism approach deals with the examination of organizations. This approach is considered traditional reason being it oriented on rules, formalities of government and used ways to the study of legislation and the past. However, this approach came about through the revival of the interest of institutionalism. This brings about a new understanding of what makes an institution. This is probably viewed as unofficial rather than formal. This approach deals with the political with set of rules which direct or compel
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