Percussion Marching Band

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I should be considered to be the percussion section leader for The Force 2015 Marching Band season. Band is more than just a class to me, I feel I am a part of something special. I want to be accepted as section leader because I feel I have the capability to become a great one. Being section leader is a huge responsibility. I would be an exceptional section leader. The reason I think this is because I have proven that I can be a good leader, by coming in early to set up the Drumline by myself, Helping other students figure out rhythms and notes, and respecting everyone in the section. I am committed to this band and I plan on being the best I can possibly be, along with encouraging everyone in the section to give it their all and be the…show more content…
I have two older sisters who were in the band, and ever since I was young I would go to all of their band practices. Being around band for so long I have become attached. Band, to me, is like having a second family. A family where we work together to get our goals accomplished. I want to keep the tradition going and be a “Class Act” band. Some goals that I will accomplish would be to make the percussion section stronger, not just musically, but their abilities to march, read music, and improve confidence. I am willing to go the extra mile to help. Another goal I would love to achieve is getting 1st place in percussion at the state fair. My leadership will make a stronger percussion section so we can achieve best percussion. Winning isn’t everything though, if we don’t get 1st in percussion all of us can look back and see that we have all improved on something, and that is better than winning in my opinion. Under my student leadership I promise to commit to my part in the band and make the percussion section better. If all the section leaders did this, it would make the band better than exceptional. I set goals to achieve them, and my goal is to make our section the best it could possibly

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