Pakistan Teacher Education

1643 Words7 Pages
Abstract This paper is based on the comparative study of teacher qualification, licensing, certification, and continuing professional development in Pakistan and Japan with regard to elementary and secondary schooling. It investigates the professional development of teachers in both countries and points out the differences and the issues pertinent to the preparation of teacher and identifies the flaws and calls for comprehensive reforms. This study also provides an insight into teaching trends in Japan and its implication and viability in Pakistan. It states the condition of teaching and educators’ training and certification in context of Pakistan and explores reforms and measures to improve and bolster the quality of teachers and teaching.…show more content…
The quality of teaching is inconsistent and low in public schools in Pakistan because of ineffective teacher education and certification. This paper is based on the comparative study of teacher qualification, licensing, certification, and continuing professional development in Pakistan and Japan with regard to elementary and secondary schooling. This paper states the condition of teaching and educators’ training and certification in context of Pakistan and explores reforms and measures to improve and bolster the quality of teachers and teaching. This research paper will begin by presenting the current teaching scenario in public schools in Pakistan. Then this study will provide an insight into teacher education trends in Japan and its implication and viability in Pakistan. At the end this study seeks to examine the current reforms and initiatives with regard to teacher education in…show more content…
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