Education In Pakistan

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EDUCATIONAL POLICY OF PAKISTAN: The first National Education Conference was convened in 1947 in Karachi where basic guidelines for future development were provided. The 3 dimensions are: spiritual, social and vocational. The committee proposed free and compulsory primary education from the age of 3 to 11 years as rate of illiteracy was at 85%. The recommendation for next 5 years was to be spent on planning, recruitment of teachers and training, but was not implemented due to lack of administrative and immigrant problems. Further subsequent policies in 1959 by General Mohammad Ayub Khan with special compulsory religious education were also not implemented due to lack of resources and condition of the state. Similarly later policies in 1970,…show more content…
A Central Advisory Board of Education counseled the national and state governments. There were several autonomous organizations attached to the Department of Education. The most important bodies were the All-India Council of Technical Education (1945), the University Grants Commission (1953), and the National Council of Educational Research and Training (1961). The first body advised the government on technical education and maintained standards for the development of technical education. The second body promoted and coordinated university education and determined and maintained standards of teaching, examination, and research in the universities. It had the authority to enquire into the financial methods of the universities and to allocate grants. The third body worked to upgrade the quality of school education and assisted and advised the Ministry of Human Resource Development in the implementation of its policies and major programs in the field of…show more content…
The primary schools, especially, experienced rapid growth because the states gave highest priority to the universalization of elementary education in order to fulfill the constitutional directive of providing universal, free, and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14. Most, but not all, children had a primary school within 1 km (0.6 mile) of their homes. A large percentage of these schools, however, were understaffed and did not have adequate facilities. The government, when it revised the national policy for education in 1986, resolved that all children who attained the age of 19 years by 1990 would have five years of formal schooling or its equivalent. Plans were also made to improve or expand adult and nonformal systems of education. Dissension among political parties, industrialists, businessmen, teacher politicians, student politicians, and other groups and the consequent politicization of education hampered progress at every stage,

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