Religious Education In Pakistan

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Introduction Education is the process of learning the basic skills, ethics and getting knowledge of different things. Education is the main source for lightening the life. (Hussain, Aug , 2013) It is the main source for civilization. It creates the basis sense in the human ideology and ecological traditions. It is the lifelong process. It changes its dimensions but cannot stop at one point. According to Islamic ethics, it is commanded to all Muslims to learn from “birth to death” and our spiritual leaders also taught us that education creates harmony not dishonesty and disobeying. Education deals us in various ways; it taught us the difference between right and wrong. It creates the sense of making decision in quite decent manners which uneducated cannot do so. In Pakistan there are various types of education system; one is the elite schooling system which is brilliant most at this time that caters the students of the elite class. Other one is the proletariat schooling system in…show more content…
The constitutional principles governing relations between state, religion and religious education. Some of the articles of our constitution quoted about religious education. Article 20,21,22,33 and 38 shows quotations about the religious education. Religious education produces consciousness of Islamic solidarity and the Islamic way of life among the Muslims of South Asia It is situated inside the mosque and according to survey, this institution enrollment is more than students then others education institution. The students here only learnt the Quran, Fiqh and Hadees. But after 9/11 incident, it has been highly criticized that these are the factories of creating terrorists. But the literate societies usually avoid this institution. There are four further types of religious education: 1: DEOBANDI. 2: Barelvi. 3: Ahl-e-Hadis. 4: Sunni. Which shows the diffrenciation within the religious

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