Role Of Reservation In India

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RESERVATION: (A Social transformation hijacked by political ambition.) "It is against the fundamental principles of humanity, it is against the dictates of reason that a man should, by reason of birth, be denied or given extra privileges" -Mahatma Gandhi INTRODUCTION: India has seen a number of social reformation since its independence. There has been betterment in the conditions of Women, children and senior citizens in various ways through various laws and Acts. All this has been possible due to the Constitution of India which is the supreme law of the land. In India the plan of reservations, quotas and first preferences for the socially backward and disadvantaged people is ancient. It was believed that US has started this type…show more content…
It has become related to vote bank politics and the following governments along with the Indian parliament kept on extending this period routinely without any proper and fair revisions. Article 334 of the Indian Constitution is the evidence to the above-mentioned line. Today, reservation has become so deep rooted that any small effort to eradicate it results in revolt by the reserved category of people. It was introduced to represent the unprivileged part of the society but today it has become more of a weapon for winning the elections. The sole motive of reservation of giving equal opportunities to everyone is not achieved even after 70 years of Independence. There are number of people living in remote areas of M.P., Orrisa or Bihar are not even aware of these policies. They do not get the primary education and basic employment which makes them financially backward. The Creamy Layer which are the relatively wealthier and better educated members of the Other Backward Classes also enjoyed the special privilege of reservation until Justice Krishna Iyer in 1975 in State of Kerala vs NM Thomas case observed that the benefits of reservation are snatched away by the top creamy layer of the backward caste and thus keeping the weakest among the weak always weak. They are not eligible for government sponsored benefits in education and employment. In any competitive exam, they are taken as General category. This system of reservation has slowly turned into a problem in the Indian society today. It has resulted in number of fights and protests like the Sikh reservation (Jatt Aandolan) protest, the Patel reservation in Gujrat, etc. There are Cream Layer concept has been only applied to the OBCs and not to the SCs and STs. Thus, there are people who take undue advantage of this system causing problem to the general category over the number of seats

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