Causes Of Dropout In Pakistan

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Introduction: Education is the right of every person. But previously research shows that early education in Pakistanis is on the top in dropout rate because of many causes. Government of Pakistan is trying in different ways to improve the education but the situation in education is unsatisfactory like gender based dropout rate especially in primary schools. Research gives important to every individual student who dropout from schools.There are many causes of dropout like atmosmhere of school, atmosphere of home, social problems,icnomical situations gender base differences. Low academic achievement, being retained or overage, and poor attendance are significantly linked to dropping out all elementary, middle, and high school levels (Hammond…show more content…
Getting very low grades or percen, failing to cover the courses, or getting test scoresin low grades are also the causes of dropping out besides this Many studies shows that the combination of failing core academic classes,low attendance, and poor behaviour behaviour of teachers can increase Dropping out of school (Balfanz, Herzog, & MacIver, 2007; Neild & Balfanz, 2006). Education is the right of every individual but the education in Pakistan is harshly affected because increasing population, poverty (Sustainable Development Policy Institute 2009). Previous researcher shows that in Pakistan dropout rate is very high in Asian countries because of many causes like no motivation, home problems like conomic or cultural restraints (Akhtar, 2005; Malik, 2007). These problems increased drop out and illiteracy, untrained labor, and low income ECT. . Government of Pakistan is trying to l Primary Education. Still, there is insufficient access to education and there exists gender based rural imbalances in enrollment and poor permanence of primary school in Pakistan (National PUTAJ – Humanities and…show more content…
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 8, 88-99. doi:10.1177/10983007060080020701 Malik, A.B. (2007). The Freedom of Choice- Affordable Quality Education in Pubic Matsura, K. (2003). Gender and Education for All: The Leap to Equality. Cambodia: UNESCO Press. National Dropout Prevention Center. (2009) At Risk Issues .Lahore: The Department of Economics, Government College Lahore Press. Neild, R. C., & Balfanz, R. (2006). Unfulfilled promise: The dimensions and characteristics of Philadelphia’s dropout crisis, 2000-2005. Baltimore: Center for Social Organization of Schools, John Hopkins University. Retrieved from Pdf Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey. (2004-2007). Pakistan. Retrieved on 10th May, 2013 from www.PSLM.Gov.PK. Powell, M. L., & Newgent, R. A. (2008). Disc golf play: Using recreation to improve disruptive classroom behaviors. Journal of School Counseling, 6(2). Retrieved from Qureshi, R., & Reriya, J. F. (2007). Gender and Education in Pakistan. London: Oxford University

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