Maria Montessori Personality

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Maria Montessori was an Italian philosopher she was a single child raised by wealthy and well-educated parents, she was also very bright, studying both modern languages and natural science. Graduating from technical school in 1886, Montessori went on to attend Regio Instituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vinci. Where she became the first woman in Italy to qualify as a physician. Throughout her time Maria often worked with children with learning difficulties in socially deprived areas, due to her interest in the diseases of children and in the needs of those that were claimed to be ineducable. In 1907 she went on to open a children’s house with furnishings fit for the children, where she worked with many individuals who were living in less privileged…show more content…
Building towards these principles and methods by learning from her children allowed Montessori to focus on observation which brought her to the discovery that learning comes around by human tendencies to do, to act, to explore and finally create in the environment that is given in which Lillard (1972) references Montessori by stating ‘if we consider the transformations, adaptations, achievements and conquests of the environment during the first period of life from zero to three years, it is functionally a longer period than all the following periods put together from three until…show more content…
She observed this type of learning through repetition, concentration, and imagination with the ethic that learners should be independent in their actions whilst making their own decision in how they should work. This is where she gained her idea of three periods of development including many sub-stages which ranged from birth to 18 years as children of all ages were included in her philosophy. Montessori reflected on these unique stages to nurture individual potential, support independence, offer freedom with limits and ensure consistency between settings. Furthermore, Maria Montessori went on to cement her philosophy with a child centred environment, real tools that work, materials and equipment accessible to children, practitioners to create beauty and order, enable competence and responsibility, also allowing children to take responsibility, schedule openly ended times and most of all practitioners to teach little and observe often. With that she believed this sort of education should be applicable for the learning of all children, and therefore, it is now used internationally in both educational settings and home-based

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