Online Shopping Case Study

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A Study of Indian Online Consumers and Factors influencing their Buying Behaviour . Submitted by Kajal Kiran Assistant Professor in Commerce MLUDAV College Phagwara ABSTRACT Internet and Mobile revolution has brought tremendous change in shopping behaviour of consumers worldwide. With the increase in internet literacy, the prospects of online shopping are increasing in India. No doubt, online shopping is a common shopping pattern outside India, but its growth in Indian market is not in line with the global market though India is…show more content…
A large body of research is available on online shopping in the world. However, there is still a need for in depth examination on the online shopping behavior in specific countries. Online shopping is still at the early stage of development in India, little is known about consumer’s attitude towards adopting this new shopping channel and factors that influence their attitude. Understanding consumer attitude towards online shopping helps marketing managers to predict the online shopping rate and evaluate future growth of online shopping. The paper first examines the relationship between consumer factors and attitude towards online shopping and then analyzes the factors that influence attitude towards online shopping. Research methodology: Both primary and secondary data has been used. Primary data was collected with the help of a questionnaire specially designed for the purpose of the study. For secondary data , Research papers, journals, Magazines and related websites were considered. Sample…show more content…
of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Having knowledge about Online Shopping 100 100% Not having knowledge about Online Shopping **** **** Factors Affecting Online Shopping 1) Availability of information about Products and Services Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Respondent 1 1 17 61 20 Average Score of Respondent = (1*1+ 1*2+17*3+61*4+20*5) / 100 =398/100=3.98 Interpretation: From the average score calculated, it can be interpreted that online shoppers consider availability of information about products and services as an important factor while shopping online. 2 ) Time Saving Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Respondent 0 4 12 62 22 Average Score of Respondent = (0*1+4*2 +12*3 +62*4 +22*5 ) /100 =402/100 =4.02 Interpretation: According to the average score calculated, it can be interpreted that time saving is an important factor influencing online shopping behavior. 3) Security: Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Respondent 0 1 9 53 37 Average Score of Respondent

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