Excessive Force In Criminal Justice

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upholding other’s decisions and prosecutors being there to win (Christianson, 2004). Criminal justice professionals also have a distorted view of the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Police, judges, prosecutors, when surveyed, did not feel that significant errors existed in our current system. Defense attorneys, however, believed the system was in dire need of reform (Smith, Zalman, & Kiger,2011). Our current criminal justice system’s opinions differ greatly depending on which side you are on as well varying from much of the public opinion (Smith, Zalman, & Kiger,2011). Police and prosecutors believed the system was less flawed followed by judges then defense attorneys. What may be considered the most interesting aspect is…show more content…
An unnecessary force such as beatings, choke holds, use of tasers or batons to killing can fall within the ambit of excessive force. Excessive force can be subjective however the aftermath can be devastating as demonstrated in the Rodney King case and the Ferguson event. Rodney King was an African-American that was the subject of a Los Angeles police beating. The incident was videotaped and sent to a local television station (Klockars, Ivković, & Haberfeld, 2007). The evidence clearly demonstrated King being beaten by police and he sustained severe injuries. The four officers involved were charged and tried for excessive force. Three of the officers were found blameless, while in the fourth’s case no verdict could be reached. Shortly after that in 1992, Los Angeles rioting began due to the outrage from the community. African Americans rioted not just because of the verdict but also due to their perceived long-standing maltreatment by police (Klockars, Ivković, & Haberfeld, 2007). The federal government then pursued the officers with civil rights violations and two officers were eventually sentenced, and two were acquitted. Overall, Los Angeles tragically suffered through six days of rioting where there were 53 deaths and 2373 injuries. Los Angeles eventually paid King 3.8 million dollars for damages (Klockars, Ivković, & Haberfeld, 2007). Not only…show more content…
Individual contact with law enforcement and the neighborhood where we live directly impacts our perceptions of police (Yudu, Ling, & Fei 2016). One phenomenon is that a positive encounter with law enforcement has less impact than a negative one. Whereby, one negative contact with the police will have

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