Nursing Theory Paper

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Meleis (2011, as cited by Perry, 2013) suggests that a nursing theory is a “conceptualization of some aspect of nursing that describes, explains, predicts, or prescribes nursing care” (p. 41). When applied properly within the profession, a nursing theory’s purpose is to help nurses analyze a patient’s needs and develop treatment plans accordingly. A nurse’s comprehension of a given theory can also influence the type of treatment provided for the patient (Perry, 2013). Dr. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is one of the many theories that can be applied by nurses to help them excel in caring for their patient. Understanding Watson’s theory and applying it from day to day allows nurses to bond with their patients and create an environment…show more content…
Bailey (2009) suggests that the theory of human caring, as defined by Watson, emphasizes not only curing the patient’s physical aliments, but also caring for their emotional and psychological well-being. Initially, her theory was based on ten carative factors, which were cleverly named to show their independence from the curative factors practiced in conventional medicine (Cara, 2003). These carative factors included personal qualities Watson believed a caring nurse should possess, as well as the basic properties of a caring patient environment. Clinical caritas processes later replaced the carative factors in order to include spiritual concepts into the theory. Each of the ten processes is founded on creating a healthy relationship between the patient, their family, and the nurse while maintaining a nurturing environment for the patient. Applying a caritas process in a clinical setting requires the nurse to humble one’s self for the betterment of the patient (Cara,…show more content…
Experiencing a personal connection with the patient in order to understand how the patient feels about their current condition is important to applying Watson’s theory. For example, while taking vitals or performing routine procedures, a nurse applying Watson’s theory may inquire about the patient’s family or how the patient feels under the current circumstances. One could also explain to the patient why they are receiving a particular type of treatment. Showing an interest in the patient’s personal life and treatment will demonstrate that you care and are not simply providing medical assitance because it is in your job description. Caring for the patient not only benefits the patient, but also gives the nurse a purpose, thus creating a healthier environment for the both of them (Cara,
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