What Are The Pros And Cons To The Victim/Offender Log

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Cheryl Swanson (2008), presents different pros and cons to the victim/ offender dialog (p. 73-90). Many victims of crime and advocacy groups question how the restorative justice benefits the victims of crime. It could be important to inform the victim that once a crime is reported, both the victim and the offender are under the discretion of the criminal justice system. The wellbeing of the victim should be taken into consideration. Many victims of crime feel that the judicial system is designed to help the offenders not the victims. Giving the victim of crime the opportunity to participate in the judicial process could help them not to feel victimized again by the judicial system. Even though it is at the discretion of the prosecution whether or not to prosecute, it is important that the victims of crime be notified of any negotiations that are done with the offenders. Many victim would like to participate in the process of their case. They would like to treat fairly and with respect. To many victims of crime the judicial process against the offender is very essential and important. Face to face encounter with the offender gives the opportunity to the victim to vent and validate their feeling. It could serve as a healing process for some victims, while for other it can deepen the…show more content…
The offender should have obligation to repair in some way some of the harm that they have caused the victims. The government should take should assist the victim with compensation if the offender does not have the means to do so. For many victim of violent crimes the cost of their lost has no compensation. Some victims may need psychological and physical help after being victims of crime. The courts should play a crucial role by providing assistance from the local and federal government to victims. This resources could be helpful in the process of rebuilding their

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