Noise Pollution Analysis

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Over the past decades noise pollution has received increased attention and Studies has reported that noise pollution is one of the environmental hazard affecting human, the effects ranges from annoyance to difficulty in falling asleep, which latter leads to high blood pressure (WHO 2005; Ugwuanyi et al., 2005; Den Boer and Schroten 2007; Tetreault et al 2013 ). Although, noise pollution has been one of environmental concerns as early as the inception of civilization when man was introduced to technology, which could use to obtain the basic necessities, to a modern development of complex technological. Noise pollution has been associated with human activities and persistent human interaction with the environment. For example by World Health…show more content…
In developed countries, several noise pollution guidelines have been developed. In Europe for example, the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC (END) and European Environment Agency, (EEA 2011; 2014) are noise legislation responsible for the monitoring of the transport infrastructures. These organisations used selected noise indicators in the European cities to assess the number of exposed people and the impacts of noise in European cities . In developing countries, noise pollution has not been seen as public problem until recent decades. In sub-Saharan Africa, although, where noise legislations exist, they are often poorly enforced and implemented (Sonibare, 2004; Oyedepo, 2012). However, it is now fully recognised that no country can afford to ignore the sound and the effective management and the protection of her environment and resources, which forms the basis for development (Arimoro, Ikomi, Osalor 2007). The underling fear, however, is invariably the survival of mankind. What is obvious in both develped and less developed country is that noise pollution is a major consequence of urbanisation and industrialisation due to the numerous activities in urban areas. The rural areas have few or limited activities resulting into a quiet life, as a result of the relatively low population and fewer economic…show more content…
This interest may be attributed to the current development of guidelines and standards for environmental pollution by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA, 1991). It is envisaged that if proper monitoring and enforcement of the guidelines on acceptable noise exposure limits are carried out, a great deal of compliance on the part of the industrial establishments might be achieved. Unlike cities in developed countries, surprisingly, little studies have been carried out in sub-Saharan Africa which assessed spatial and temporal patterns in noise level and relate this to meteorological parameters. There is a need for examination of atmospheric air pollution and environmental noise, their relationship and how this could affect cities inhabitants. Thus, this study aims at evaluating the spatial and temporal variations in the noise levels during different times of the day and examines influences of atmospheric particle concentrations and wind on industrial-induced noise pollution in sawmills industrial location around Ile-Ife in Osun of Nigeria. The key focus of this study is to assess both spatial and temporal variation of particle concentrations and the wind by a set of mobile measurements and their influences on environmental noise. The basic meteorological parameters were examined and their influences on the distribution of industrial-induced and traffic noise were

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