International Cooperation Concept

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Concept. 1. The concept of international cooperation International cooperation is the meeting point of a wide range of national interests of the various Nations that could not be fulfilled in his own country. The main issues of international cooperation that is based on the extent to which mutual benefit gained through cooperation can support the conception of national interests from the interests of the action unilaterally. 2. Approach to Civic Environtalism Cinic environtalism approach is more focused on how to manage the environment together. The involvement of several parties is important in determining a policy on the environment is considered the most important thing is to integrate environmental care with policies including related…show more content…
International Organization is a set of countries that became independent and sovereign aims to achieve common interests through the organs of the Association itself. Based on the above concept of WWFas the perpetrator of the role, in this international organization, terklarifikasi in the category of INGO's which then there are inside working mechanism and functions which are executed to meet the vision and mission of the WWF itself. 4. The concept of Conservation of biodiversity Biodiversity researcher Mochamad Indrawan in according to WWF (2007) is the millions of plants, animals and microorganisms, includingtheir disposal, as well as complex ecosystems that they form into the environment. Biodiversity can be classified into three levels, namely;  a diversity of species. This includes species that are on the face of the Earth including bacteria and protists and multicellular species of the kingdom.  genetic diversity. Genetic variation within a species among populations that are separated geographically, as well as between individualsin a population.  the community Diversity. Different biological community as well as the asosiasinya with the physical…show more content…
Their lives are threatened by poaching, deforestation and habitat loss, and conflicts with humans. Conservation organization, WWF, said the termination of conversion of natural forest habitat of Sumatran elephants as soon as possible is needed to protect the future of the large mammal population. This is related to the status ofthe Sumatran elephant that recently has been upgraded from ' Critical ' to ' critical ' in the red list (Red List) issued by the International Organization for the conservation of nature (International Union for theConservation of Nature –
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