Essay On Pollution In Cities

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Pollution in cities 1. Introduction People initially thought that the environment was so vast that the waste products generated by human activity and our complex needs could easily be absorbed. Due to an increase in the number of people who inhabit cities the generation of waste products has increased to such an extent that it has exceeded the environment’s ability to absorb such waste (Fyfe 1990). This state of affairs not only presents a risk to people’s health, but also threatens ecosystems. Waste products are generated by households, industries and the agricultural sector. Household waste was until recently discarded on open pieces of land, buried or burnt (Fyfe 1990; Seager 1990).Cities experience different types of pollution such as air, water, noise and land pollution. 2. Different types of pollution and their effects 2.1 Noise pollution Any type…show more content…
This may have a negative effect on the environment. 2.4. Water pollution Water pollution is referred as the contamination of water bodies. Dumping in rivers, lakes and ocean is another popular way of getting rid of waste. Untreated sewage and industrial waste which are dumped in water resources as well as chemical fertilizers and pesticides which land up in water resources all have negative effects (McMichael 1993). The quality of drinking water is disturbed while fish and other aquatic plants and animals die as a result of water poisoning. 3. How to reduce waste Pollution can be prevented by using the three R’s which are reusing, recycling and reducing. Recycling is the process whereby waste matter is made useable again. It appears to be the most successful and effective way of processing waste matter without damaging the environment. It is also cheap and creates an alternative source of income. People can support themselves by collecting recyclable materials and selling them to recycle companies (Seager 1990). 4.

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