Noise Pollution Case Study

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other Traffic department to invoke the provisions of the Delhi Control of Vehicular and other Traffic on Roads and Streets Regulations and prohibit the plying of heavy vehicles in the silence zone. Use of Fireworks and Noise Pollution The use of fireworks on festivals, social rejoicings and special occasions also contributes to noise pollution as the loud sound caused by them is damaging for health and may result in loss of hearing . The decision provided of the Double bench of the Calcutta High Court given in the case of Bada Bazar Fireworks Dealers Association v. Commissioner of Police, Calcutta is a landmark decision on prevention and control of noise pollution. The petitioners, who were fireworks dealers filed a petition challenging…show more content…
to 6 a.m. in residential area except in exceptional circumstances. (6) There is need to generate awareness about hazardous effects of noise pollution. Children should be sensitized by including chapter on environment in the text-books and media should give wide publicity to the hazards and dangers of water, air and noise pollution. In Om Birangama Religious Society v. State the petitioner prayed for a mandamus directing the magistrate to accord the necessary permission under the Police Act to permit the use of microphones and loudspeakers during daily pujas and other religious activities. In this case the concept of reasonable restriction was discussed. Article 19(1)(a) provides fundamental rights on all citizens to freedom of speech and expression and that this right is only subject to restriction imposed under Article 19(2) of the Constitution. Justice Banerjee used the case to frame detailed guideline for the issue of loudspeaker permits and asked the authorities to accord permission in accordance with guidelines. The Kerala High Court in P.A. Jacob v. Superintend of Police opined that the fundamental right to freedom of speech guaranteed under Article 19(1)(a) did not include the right to use a

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