Essay On Cell Phone Control Relationships

801 Words4 Pages
Do cell phones really control relationships or friendship? Sometimes people as a couple has problems getting off with their phones at times. Some adult’s even children allow the cell phones to talk over because, the phones have their attention at all time. Once you look at your phone you will forget all about your spouse. Even when being out with some friends your phone takes over the friendship. Sometimes the phone is people friend or spouse because that’s all people depends on. They depend on a text or a call even a message on Facebook. Cell phones do not have to be in your hands at all times. Periodically adults and children need to give their phone a break because it can mess up fun time with, also it can make your spouse feel some type of way, and make your child feel like their parent have no time for them. Phones are a good choice when having dinner with your closest friends or family. When having dinner no one should be on their phone. Having dinner with family should be the most important thing to you. Being round your family should make you feel happy. If you are eating at least try to have a nice or funny conversation. To forget about your…show more content…
Do not be on your phone the whole time because, it can cause problems. One time I was in that situation, and I was always on my phone no matter what I and my spouse did. Basically, my phone was my spouse and it had cause a big argument. Listen people being round your boyfriend or girlfriend you better put that phone always. spouses do not want to cause confusion or any problems while out with their other half trying to have some fun. No man or woman should feel unwanted at all. In a relationship it is supposed to be happy, and making that person feels like it is somebody out in this world that cares about him or her. People should make the best out of their relationship. Sometimes adults can let Facebook take over our relationship and that should not

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