Noise Pollution In Kerala

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MANUSCRIPT Background: Noise is an important environmental consideration in today’s day to day life. International standards IEC 60050-801(1994) define noise as an erratic or statistically random oscillation and a disagreeable or undesired sound or the other disturbance. Noise can interfere with sleep, work, and recreation and in extremes may cause physical and psychological damage depending on frequency characteristics and loudness. While noise emanates from many different sources, transportation noise is perhaps the most pervasive and difficult source to avoid. Traffic can be considered as the main source of noise pollution. Movement of different light motor vehicles as well as heavy motor vehicles, engine operation, the sound of sirens,…show more content…
Survey of city noise, traffic noise, indoor and outdoor noise has been carried out in different cities across the country. Traffic and industrial noise measurement by Kameswaran (1992) in the cities of Madras, Coimbatore, Cochin and Trivandrum and found Trivandrum to be least noisy compared to the other cities. Sampath et al., (2004) carried out noise measurement in the three major cities in Kerala, viz. Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and Kozhikode to assess noise pollution. The noise level of 81.3 dB(A), 78.5 dB(A) and 77.5 dB(A) were recorded respectively which are above permissible limits. Noise measurements carried out at Aurangabad city also reveals exceed noise levels compared to the prescribed noise level (Bhosale et al., 2010). Neema and Dube (1990) studied the noise pollution due to vehicles in some areas of Bhopal city and reported that the level of traffic noise is above 100 dB which is not acceptable for human ear. According to a study conducted by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (1989) the noise level in Tamil Nadu varied from 52.7 to 119.4 dB which is higher than the permissible limit. Pandya and Verma (1997) studied the noise pollution related to vehicular traffic in city area and found the increased noise level which affects human…show more content…
More attention is given towards noise exposure in occupational setting and school settings whereas environmental noise and its negative effects on health are often ignored. Environmental noise pollution can cause various health hazards and traffic noise is one of the major sources of the environmental noise pollution in today’s life. The present study was conducted to measure traffic noise levels at various places in Mysuru city. The obtained result shows increasing traffic noise levels in all the areas studied. The noise levels are above the permissible limits. Present study is in concurrence with the study done by Naveen & Vinay (2010) who also reported increased noise levels in Mysuru. Results showed increased noise levels at Devaraja URS road and at Mysore palace entry gate. This can be attributed to the increase number of vehicles which includes both light motor vehicles and heavy motor vehicles. Movement of vehicles, engine operation, crowded streets, and indiscriminate use of horn by the vehicles are the major contributing factors for increased noise levels in these locations. Though Vijaya bank circle and T K Layout has lower noise levels compared to all the other locations, noise levels in these two locations are above permissible limits. If exposure to noise is chronic and exceeds certain levels, then negative health outcomes can be seen in

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