Negative Effects On Family

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Chapter 11 Effects on family The effects on family, friends and the general public are sometimes very daunting, scary and unpredictable. It is a very traumatic and challenging time and experience for family members to see their loved ones go through a mental health crisis. It leaves them feeling helpless and inadequate as there is usually very little they can do to help the situation, especially when a loved one is going through the diagnostic stage. As a matter of fact, any stage of a mental health crisis can be daunting, traumatic and very sad. When you’re loved one is well and taking their medication, there is always going to be that thought in the back of your mind of hope that they stay well. The life of your loved one at crisis point…show more content…
Who have loved ones experiencing mental health problems? It is understandable and sometimes reasonable when a loved one tries to contain and manage the issues at home alone. They detach themselves from what is really happening and will sometimes decline to talk about their experiences or challenges, as if it were not happening or that they have not noticed the changes. They may also see it as a shame to the family and a failure on their part, However, cultural norms, customs and beliefs can determine the way a problem is viewed and addressed. It can be a lonely road, and at times, one you sometimes have to walk and do alone, but I want you to know that you are never alone. There are many support groups out there that can help you through this difficult time. Suppose you decided to take a long trip on the train, you buy your ticket, wait for the correct train to arrive. When on the train you find yourself a seat and maybe even buy something to eat. The train begins to move, there you go! enjoying the ride and the view. The grass is green; you see a few animals grazing in the field. The sun is shining; it’s a lovely day. There is a little smile on your face. You feel at ease and…show more content…
All is quiet and you realize you are now in the tunnel. You have to go through the tunnel to get to your destination. You wait patiently, you don’t like it because it makes you unsure, a little nervous maybe, but you have to sit tight and wait until you have reached the end of the tunnel. You cannot leave the train; you cannot say to the conductor that you want to get off the train, because you are nowhere near where you want to go and where you want to be. You cannot ask for your money back, as the ticket is non-refundable. So you have to sit on that train and wait for it to go through that dark tunnel. Sometimes life seems like a dark long tunnel ride but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We just need to sit tight, wait and be patient as hard as it may
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