Memoir As Relative Practice For Peace And Justice Analysis

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What if I told you that memoirs are incredibly important to our society, because they document the human experience in such an honest way? Although memoirs are deeply valuable, there can be risky consequences. Based on research, it appears that the effects of memoirs tend to involve emotional and psychological consequences, as well as legal troubles in some instances. Although writing a memoir can result in lawsuits and family discord, it more often proves to be therapeutic and can be the starting point of a nonfiction writer's career. This research explores the positive and negative effects of memoirs on their writers to determine whether or not the risks are worth the rewards. One such risk is the potential for legal troubles. Writer and…show more content…
The article discusses several benefits that writers have discovered, such as their contemplation leading to a better understanding of how they are connected with the rest of society. It argues that memoirs offer writers a greater sense of perspective, with regard to their entire human existence, because they are able to find patterns and connections in life experiences. It also addresses various emotional and psychological responses associated with writing a memoir, emphasizing the fact that they can create numerous positive effects for their…show more content…
She reflects on how psychoanalysis comes into play, drawing on the work of Freud. She discusses various ways memories can be transformed over time, while addressing the factors that can sabotage emotional elements stored in your mental space. Edwards carefully uncovers the effects of memoirs—the reflective process, personal memories, psychoanalytic work, and creative writing—acknowledging the limitations of disciplinary boundaries for writers. Using examples from the publication of her own memoir, she details the effects on her professional career from the psychoanalysis that are illuminated. At the end of the day, the process benefited her emotionally. The main takeaway was that it was worth the risk. Finishing with more positive effects, "In A Class By Itself: Memoirs," explores the ways writing memoirs can affect not only writers, but also future generations. It argues that the process of drafting a memoir benefits writers, allowing them to better analyze their own history. Sharing their story also allows for deeper human connections and relationships with those around them. Their memoir can leave a lasting impression on society while touching

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