American Society Destroyed By The Screen Analysis

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“American Society: Destroyed by the Screen” How will specific qualities of television have a lasting, negative impact on American society? The American society has slowly been impacted through watching television and by making it a daily ritual and/or escape method to everyday issues. If the downward spiral of this impact continues, it could cause lasting, damaging effects not only to society’s social life but family life as well. Winn unravels a bit about television and how consuming too much of it can eventually ruin our social and family life. She implies that such “Mealtime rituals, going – to – bed rituals, illness rituals, holiday rituals – how many of these have survived the simple activity of television watching, those rituals and pastimes that once gave family life its special quality have become more and more uncommon” (260). It is suggested in her essay that television was ultimately…show more content…
He even goes to the point of stating that since television has been invented, it has been blamed for “encouraging overindividualism, for hastening consumer suckerdom, for spurring passivity and couch-potatoes…” (295). If we are sitting back and showing teens immoral standards such as that it is okay to be unmarried and pregnant, women that they’re not skinny enough and men that they’re not muscular enough, we are presenting the wrong message. Everyone is unique. If we try to shape American society through those concepts we are damaging people’s characteristics and personality. Think about how boring life would be if everyone looked and acted the same. We would ultimately get tired of each other, thus causing the damaging effect of ignoring one another. People need to start facing their problems when it comes to relationships and talk it through instead of trying to

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