Need Analysis In Communication

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Q: Why is it essential to carry out a need analysis? A: English is used for communicating at the workplace with foreigners either they are native speakers or not because English is considered as the international language that can connect all people from all over the world. In the workplace, the act of communication can take place in various situations, and problems of communication in can occur. The miscommunication between native and non-native speakers may be caused by a different interpretation of the sentence caused by the way of thinking and expressing ideas and this miscommunication may lead to various problems. The employees of private sectors are facing a lot of problems in communicating with their superiors, customers or even with…show more content…
The most important element of a needs analysis is deciding which needs have the highest priority. Let’s get started with job experienced people, this group of people knows what they need and we know as well what we should focus on to help them. They belong to a specific company where they need to learn a specific vocabulary for a specific purpose. So in this situation we can limit the resources that we need to use with them (vocabulary, authentic materials related to the company’s field…) so we avoid wasting their time and money and targeting straightly their main communication needs and what the company needs them to learn in a short period of time to improve what they think they lack. In addition to that, experienced people won’t need our help to pick any skills related to their work because they are experts on what they do so what they need is more language-based knowledge. In contrast, pre-experienced people (generally students) will need border resources because they still don’t know yet in which company or field they will be working, so we should be more general with this group and we can even teach them some skills that may help them later in their…show more content…
Part 2: Q: State your experience as a teacher or a student with needs analysis. If you don’t have an experience, how could the teaching or learning experience have been improved with a need analysis? A: I never had the chance to experience needs analysis but I think needs analysis can bring a lot of benefits not just for the learning experience but as well for the teaching experience. Needs analysis can provide insights and concrete data to identify the training needs and the gaps in the organization. Need analysis can help in aligning training with the business needs of the company. Using a successful needs analysis may help in identifying performance gaps of the employees and address these gaps with appropriate training program. For example, when a same task is given for the employees, different employees perform it with various levels of competencies using different ways. This can be considered as the actual performance. But the employer’s desired performance can be considered the expected level. The difference between the expected and actual levels is the performance gap. This gap indicates the need for training. It enables training managers to develop training that is most relevant to the learning needs of a particular group or department of employees. Using needs analysis can help in identifying the objectives well in
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