Content Analysis In Advertising

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Advertisement plays a critical role in the gender images among the society. The aim of the research is to analyze the portrayal of gender images in print fashion advertisement and attempt to discuss the effect that images of advertisement brings to society. In order to address the question, content analysis was used in both quantitative and qualitative approach as well as survey. Kassarjian claimed that through analyzing the historical documents, such as advertisements, would be able to find out the public opinion, consumer value and buyer beliefs. (Kassarjian, 1977) And through analyzing the gender image in print advertisement, it enables the research to examine the symbolic meaning between the communications. In the research, content analysis…show more content…
First, it allows unobtrusive measures of communication. (Kolbe & Burnett, 1991) Equivalently, Krippendorff also claims that content analysis should also be unobtrusive. (Krippendorff, 1980) As the print materials consist lots of raw messages, such as images and text. By using content analysis, can we focus on the communication between the process of transmit the message to audiences. To provide insight into complex models of human thought and language use. Therefore, the result would be less biased when compare to other research methods. (Kinnear T.C. & Taylor J.R., 1991) It enables the researchers to identify the messages ‘’in view of the meaning, symbolic qualities, and expressive contents’’ (Krippendorff, 2004,…show more content…
BRYMAN claims that the qualitative content analysis is ‘’probably the most prevalent approach to the qualitative analysis of documents’’ and that it ‘‘comprises a searching-out of underlying themes in the materials being analyzed.’’ (Bryman, 2004, p.392) As qualitative approach are able to fit in the information into the model of communication. In addition Ritsert remarks that qualitative content analysis will take ‘‘ the context of text components; latent structures of sense; distinctive individual cases; things that do not appear in the text.’’ into account in the research. (Ritsert, 1972, p.19-31) could make an all-round investigation. A study by Mayring indicated that quantitative analysis is important in generalize the data. (Mayring, 2001) The research will involve different raw elements in the print advertisement; quantitative approach would be useful in collecting and generalize those

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