Gender Equity In PNG

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Phrases used as Art of Communication for Gender Equity in PNG Introduction This paper presents a critical analysis and comparison of literature concerning gender equity in Papua New Guinea, being more specific about phrases used as art of communication. Fairclough (2000: 3) defined communication as the functions of language and the production of meaning. Alinsky (1972:81) emphasized it more as an important skill which enables people to participate together. It attempts to uses these literatures from other authors to find out more about the phrases used on women in Papua New Guinea, an issue that has never been researched on when researching…show more content…
The diverse culture makes it more unique in various provinces. Each province has its different customs and traditions of how women and men act and live in the society. Potek, (2009). Up the Highlands, it is a practice that has been practiced by the men to have more than one wife so the wives would bare his children and look after the pigs and gardens which are the wealth of the men. The wives would have no say over the choices the husband makes to have more than one wife. It is their custom so she just accepts it live with it Potek (2009). The men usually use phrases like, ‘Em samtin blo hauskuk!’(‘Her place is in the kitchen’). ‘Ples blo meri em tamblo’. (‘She sleeps underneath’). Such phrases are used to describe women while phrases like ‘Man em het blo famli, em I mas sanap lo lek blo em!. (Men are head of the family so they need to stand on their feet). Such phrases are used in the culture to describe men that they are masculine so they have to be strong and not bow down or be controlled by their wife. However, Potek (2009) argues that older women have become more aware of the traditional customs and have changed their respect for it…show more content…
Some researchers found that there is no difference in gender differences in leadership (Mertz & McNeely, 1998). Others argued that women’s role in production is less important (Bale & Smith (1991). In additional, Green & Quester (1982) stated that the number of divorced women would naturally increase as divorce rated increased. However, more recent studies showed that divorce risk does not influence married women’s labor supply. Haurin (1989). Bernard & Desches (2003) concluded that divorce does not affect participation labor force but it increases labor hours of mothers. Women who are out of the family and go and work is seen as a ‘loose’ women. Men who are not used to seen females there see those women as sexually available. Bale & Smith concluded their view that gender-based wage difference can be improved by education and training of women. Government policies of gender

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