Ethics In Social Work

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The primary focus of organization x is on the rehabilitation of individuals through supervision. Organization x advocates for the humanitarian approach: promoting the second chance mentality, awarding an opportunity to reform. When organization x was first established, the department adopted the medical model regarding treatment approaches. The original model aided the employees of organization x to elude to a diagnosis with a prescribed treatment which would eventually lead to a cure for that individual. However, this model became obsolete in the early 1980s, when a more justified and fair model was developed, the neoclassical model (Harris, 1984.) It was comprised of a system of punishments based on the severity of a client’s offense as well…show more content…
As a social worker, one is to adhere to the following ethical principle attributed to service: “Social workers' primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems.” (NASW, 2017) Organization x focuses on the social concern recidivism. Competence refers to the ability of social workers to possess the knowledge and skills needed in the profession. Furthermore, having the ability to expand and apply that knowledge and those skills to practice. The following ethical principle applies to social worker competence: “Social workers practice within their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise.” (NASW,…show more content…
These researchers used grounded theory as a method to conduct and analyze data from interviews to establish an emerging theory. The interviews lead to six different disciplines in fulfilling effective competency including: learning and growth; behavior and relationships; leadership; critical thinking; analysis, planning, and implementation; professional communication; and ethics and values. (Regehr C., Bogo, Donovan, Lim, & Regehr G. 2012) Concluding this research, Regehr and colleagues (2012) discovered that the various skills and abilities taught within social work practicum coincide with areas on a mezzo and micro level scale such as clinical social work. However, where competency is potentially more vital, in areas on a larger macro scale, such as community activism and political lobbying, there is much room for
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