Mobile Marketing Literature Review

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The literature reviews enable the researcher to summarise the recent knowledge in the area of investigation. It further identifies the strengths and weaknesses in the previous studies while assisting in the identification of the research and reducing the possible weaknesses. After deciding the area of target and using appropriate sources to research, the results are needed to be interpreted. The information is required to be evaluated, which has been gathered with the modifications in searching. At this point, the gaps in the literature are required to be highlighted with the flaws while ensuring the pertinent issues for the future studies (Bryman & Bell, 2007). The research proposal is an important step in development of the research project.…show more content…
It is proposed that the mobile marketing is the use of mobile medium in terms of the marketing communications. It further involves different features of marketing communications. Leppäniemi and Karjaluoto (2008) have also set another aspect of mobile marketing while describing it as the systematic implementation, planning, and control of a mixture of business activities with the intention of bringing consumers and sellers to exchange products mutually and beneficially through their mobile devices. They provided that mobile marketing campaigns can be integrated within the communication mix of marketing including a variety of messages and channels. This is referred as the cross media marketing as it supports the interactive technique for involving consumers in the activities of organisations for reaching different people at the same time supporting communication to focused…show more content…
The mobile channel permits organisations to access the wide range of people while directing the communications to targeted audience. The response rate is found to be higher enough for the marketers to collect results of campaigns due to which this channel can be used for the evaluation methods and research methods (Kavassalis, et al., 2003). The cost effectiveness is another aspect of mobile marketing because of which the possible presence of word of mouth marketing and viral marketing can be used. It can be said that the mobile devices are with the consumers for the entire day due to which it pays off the investment in mobile marketing campaigns. The enhanced mobile targeting reflects the ways through which the brand can concentrate on the intended segment of audience. It is reflected that there are three basic modes of mobile marketing communications such as advertising, sales promotion, and direct marketing (Persaud & Azhar, 2012). It is further argued that consumer relationship marketing is required to be considered even if it is not a promotional approach. These approaches can be defined as the communication policies and they are not believed as the tools. So, it is essential to distinguish between multiple mobile marketing methods to be applied in brand

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