Thesis On Gadgets

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EXCESSIVE USE OF ELECTRONIC GADGETS TOWARDS THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND DAILY HABITS OF SELECTED GRADE 12 STUDENTS IN CAMP VICENTE LIM NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Submitted by: Cerezo, JO Helena F. Navarro, Ryka Atilano, John Patrick Bautista, Renz O. Dalanon, Antonie Engrecial, Erico Pacheco, Reniel Peape, Dino C. Reolo, Erwin Luis L. Rimas, James Lester Villacruz, John Paul 12 – ICT – B In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 2 Submitted to: Mrs. Evelyn A. Lazo CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Electronic gadget is the result of advancement in technology and communication. For students, it acts as a source of random information and knowledge. Modern gadgets are made and introduced to us to make…show more content…
Emma Bond (2009), it was found out that 97 percent of 11 to 16 year-old owns a mobile phone – 8 percent more than the percentage of adults who own one. Students are having a hard time concentrating in school activities due to spending hours playing gadget games and applications. Electronic gadgets are harming lots of people specially the teenagers and students. Therefore, using these electronic gadgets must be given extra attention. According to the findings of the latest Microsoft poll on ‘Families and Technology in 2011’, Asian families are heavily into gadgets with over a third of respondents indicating their immediate families own more than seven gadgets. The research conducted on MSN, polled more than 3,000 people in seven countries across Asia, shows that the distinct trend was that families love their personal gadgets and is enjoying communicating in new ways using technology. According to the Asia Digital Marketing Association (ADMA) and the Internet World statistics, there are over a billion Internet users in the Asia Pacific region, which amounts to over 46% of the total Internet users in the world. Specifically, the Philippines have over 44.2 million users, the second highest ranking in Southeast Asia and the 6th in the whole of Asia. According to Julian Persaud, the former Google Managing Director in Southeast Asia, the population is forecasted to double by…show more content…
Survey also showed that one out of 3 Filipinos claimed that they cannot live without their mobile phones. In Camp Vicente Lim National High School, the school teachers implemented a rule wherein the students are not allowed to bring any kinds of electronic gadgets. On the other hand, many students still insist on bringing their gadgets as they believed that they will need it for academic purposes and in case of emergency. Statement of the Problem The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of electronic gadgets towards the academic performance of selected Grade 12 students in Camp Vicente Lim National High School, SY 2017-2018. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the electronic gadgets being used by the students? 2. How many hours do the students spent in using their electronic gadgets in a day? 3. What are the effects of electronic gadgets in terms of: 3.1. Academic

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