Influence Of Social Media On Students

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STUDY OF USAGE OF GADGETS AMONGST STUDENTS FOR ACCESSING FACEBOOK. Vruttali Patil And Ulpesh Solanki Abstract The study on the topic of Social Media and senior school children is very relevant in today’s world as we are getting influenced by technology, internet and specifically social media in a great way. The various gadgets used by school children for accessing Facebook are Mobile Phone, Tablet, Laptop, computer etc. we target the student age group from 11 to 16 as well as MBA students. The social media helps to communicate with friends, relatives which automatically create personal touch with old friends. Senior School Children that we have decided to target is grade 6 th to grade 10 th. This school will affiliate to the IGCSE Usually,…show more content…
Internet becomes integral part of every person’s life. It helps to understand how social media impacts school children.children school spends more time on social media like Facebook. Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create ,share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social media provide the way to keeping touch with the friends, relatives and communities. Social media also allow companies; organization’s to reach large number of people. Social media are changing the ways in which people interact with others. Mostly children like to upload their photos they feel good if someone likes their photos. They make the use of social media for playing games, chitchat with…show more content…
Social media is connection between brand and consumer offering a personal channel and currency for user centered networking and social interaction. Because of the emergence of social media the tool and approaches for communicating with customer have changed. Social media is a broad term that describes software tools that create user generated content that can be shared.” However, there are some basic features necessary for a website to meet the requirements as a social network website: the site must contain user profiles, content, and a method that permits users to connect with each other and post comments on each other’s pages, and join virtual groups based on common interests such as fashion or politics. Thus, social media is the environment in which social networking takes place and has altered the way in which consumers gather information and make buying decisions. Social media has advanced from simply providing a platform for individuals to stay in touch with their family and friends. Now it is a place where consumers can learn more about their favorite companies and the products they sell. Marketers and retailers are utilizing these sites as another way to reach consumers and provide a new way to shop. “Technology related developments such as the rise of powerful search engines, advanced mobile devices and interfaces, peer-to-peer

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