M-Commerce Literature Review

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE Franz lehner and Richard T.Watson (2001) has described the hexagonal model in which firm is shown to interact with six stakeholders namely suppliers, intermediaries, customers, government, employees and investors. The study found that hexagon model is nevertheless quite useful and may be used to identify stakeholders and their possible interest. It also found that there is need to improvement in the mobile business applications and better interactions between firms. Johan Lembke (2002) explores this study towards the creation of a viable market place of m-commerce in Europe. The paper also studied about the global rules and strategies made for the m-commerce. The study found that European telecommunication standards institute…show more content…
The study found that wireless PDAs can be useful for clearly defined tasks and content display and pocket PC to be the least satisfactory device for accessing wireless sites. Ting-Peng liang and Chin-Ping Wei (2004) in this study proposes about the success or failure of M-commerce applications by assessing the fit-viability framework. The study chose four papers to show the applicability of fit viability framework. The paper conclude that m-commerce is technology for driving the second wave of E-commerce and also found that many applications are under developed need to be corporate into business processes. Young Eun Lee and Izak BenBasat (2004) have compared the interfaces for mobile commerce and E-commerce. The study has taken the seven design elements of customer interface as a reference framework (Context, Content, Community, Customization, Communication, Connection and Commerce). The study found that there is need to develop unique principles of design for m-commerce. The two new elements (2M’s)- Mobile setting and mobile device constraints & 7C’s generates many different points from e-commerce interface…show more content…
Dong (2011) has aimed to study about the consumers emotions in the context of mobile commerce. The dependent variable for the study is consumer’s emotion and the independent variables for the study are Convenience, Media Richness, Subjective norms, and Self efficiency. The study found that hedonic factors (Subjective norms and media richness) are positively related to emotion where as utilitarian factors (Convenience and self efficiency) are negatively related to emotion. Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi et.al (2011) has tried to identify the new business prospects and to understand the current and future business. The paper provides fundamentals about M-commerce and E-commerce. The study gives result that mobile commerce is slowly but mobile services have shown an impressive growth in preceding years and it has showing a sign of healthy recovery. A.H.M Saifullah Sadi & Mohamad Fauzan Noordin (2011) has studied the factors based on technology models that affect the adoption of m-commerce in Malaysia. The study has taken 13 independent variables perceived usefulness (PU),perceived ease of use(PEOU), personal innovativeness (PI), perceived cost (PC), perceived trust(PT),social influence( SI), subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, facilitating conditions, self efficiency(SE), Atittude towards use, intention to use M-commerce to study about the effect on adoption of new technology to adopt m-commerce. The study concludes that all the 13 factors influence the customer
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