Are Phones Bad For Kids

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Some think that phones are good for kids but others think that they are bad for kids, most kids at a young age get phones. No phones are not good for kids because they can make kids less aware of the things around them because they are so focused on their phone and they can cause health issues, obesity, sleep deprivation, and etc, lastly, phones can run in how we communicate with others. With cell phones or technology in kids everyday life, they get distracted easily and pay less attention to things happening around them. Kids all over the world are able to access a device of some sort and spend a lot of time on them and are being less aware of the thing going on around them. For example. Young kids are always playing on their parent's phones…show more content…
There is evidence that supports the idea of kids getting phones because when in emergency kids can get in touch with a parent. “If a child is involved in a lot of activities and the parents cannot always take them to said activities, a cell phone can be a godsend when coordinating schedules and pickup times” (Niche). What this means is that having a phone can help parents with driving their kid from activity to activity and if it ends earlier than normal they forgot something at home there parent can come and get it for them. Furthermore, a kid having a cell phone is good for an emergency because the can call 911 or there mom or dad. One example of this is that is “If a questionable situation arises at a child’s school, parents are able to reach their children via the cell phone. Or, if children feel they are in a dangerous situation, the cell phone can be a lifeline, too” (Niche). So instead of possibly getting hurt or not contacting their parent, a phone can be helpfull to prevent any harm or trouble. However, there is far more evidence that supports the idea that phone can cause more harm than good.If someone did have a phone at school someone could just go to the office or borrow a friends. And in an emergency the can ask an adult nearby, that being said not having a phone does not mean they can…show more content…
This can be true, but this also can be false. Technology can teach kids to be less aware and sometimes cause health issues and also ruin our communication. To summarize, technology is ruining kids childhoods because it's teaching kids to do the things most parents teach their kids not to do. This topic matters for the parents who are thinking about getting there kid a phone because they have a lot to discuss the importance of their child’s safety. This matter because technology could ruin so much more if we don't recognize
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