The Pros And Cons Of Free Education

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From a young age, we have been told that the most powerful tool that you can possess is knowledge. But how do you gain knowledge? Some would say through experience; others would argue schooling and education. But should you have to pay for your knowledge? In countries like Norway, Finway, Sweden, Germany, and more, higher levels of education, such as college, is free tuition. However, in other countries like The United States college tuition, and other forms of higher education, is not free, and to some people, that doesn't seem fair. In the most recent election in 2015, candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, made the promise of free education in the United States. Since these claims of how free education would be available, an uproar has come into existence. In articles “Why Free Ed Can't Wait,” and “The False Promises of ‘Free Education’” Jeje, Rodriguez, and Palmer use several similar and different rhetorical techniques to argue their opinions on free education.…show more content…
Palmer uses the phrase false promise which is self contradicting, because when you promise something, it is assuring that whatever will happen, but adding the word false in front of the word promise, is saying that the promise is invalid. Following directly after the phrase false promise is “Free College.” Using the quotation marks in the title of the article gives it a sarcastic tone. This sarcastic tone continues continues throughout the paper with more phrases in with the use of quotation marks. Sarcastic phrases include: “free,” “public,” “free tuition,” and “free college for

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