Reflection On Teaching The Ownership Cycle To Yourself

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CHAPTER NINE: Teaching the Ownership Cycle to Yourself When you are going to make a decision or choice, start with the First Crucial Question to yourself: What Do You Own? • What do you Own in that Role? • What do you Own in your Awareness? Awareness of yourself and your Environment? • What do you Own in Your Choices? (Not Other People’s Choices…) • What do you Own in the Consequences? Consequences to yourself and others? • What do you Own about your Future? As you go through your daily tasks and interactions, ask yourself the 3-step Cycle for everything. Everything that went well, and everything that went less smoothly than you desired. • Do you Own your Reality? • Do you Own your Communication? • Do you Own your Learning? This series of questions…show more content…
Affirming the other person reassures them you do value them, realistically. 3: Reframe the situation in Absolute Terms of What Happened / What was Said by all stakeholders Recap slowly and gently, what was said and done. Do not argue with the other person’s perceptions or Judgment. Removes the distortions caused by No-Ownership of Reality. Grounds the person. This is the first step of the healthy 3-step Ownership Cycle. 4: Go through the points in Chapter Eight “What Do You Own”, and follow through with the 5 Key Aspects and 3 Steps To teach the healthy cycle 5: Remind them that things can get better. They can play a part. Remind them of their value and the goals they have. “This is the current disagreement. You can make things work, but it needs your help.” Creates hope. Instils the sense that people can improve, and things can improve. 6: Follow up a few days or weeks later to find out how things are going “How are things going? Glad to see you again. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. By the way…” Sustain the Change. Reminds them that you are involved and value their effort too. CHAPTER ELEVEN: Can you succeed at Every…show more content…
That’s okay. This isn’t about being the world’s best. It’s about being your best. In what matters most. Then you work downwards accordingly. Let us revisit the reality of ourselves. We have limited time – 24 hours a day – and limited energy. We need to sleep and eat to keep ourselves in optimal condition for whatever we choose to do, within the limits of real time and energy. This means you do have to choose your priorities. The more important, impactful roles that matter to your future and that of your loved ones, are the first roles you focus your energies on. You then have to consider what else matters, that you can reach, with the resources you do have or can find out about, and what time you have. And the time and energy that your family, friends and allies have to help you. Ownership of the Future – the last Key Aspect – is what allows you to dream. Ownership of the rest helps you fulfil your most important dreams, or at least ensure you did your best. Reality says that perhaps, someday, you might really be the world’s best Chief Executive Officer, parent of ten children, mother, carer of your aged grandparents, novelist, pianist, and gardener…or anything else you want to

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