Literature Review On Gender Inequality

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This research paper marks the hundredth anniversary of women gaining the right to vote, in a selected number of OECD countries; United Kingdom, Germany, Poland and Austria. Since then, there has been substantial progress in promoting gender equality. In 1970, UK introduced equal pay between men and women for the same work. This was revised in 2010, requiring certain companies to publish information on the pay, of both male and female employees (Azmat, 2015). However, despite numerous legislations and recent improvements in the gender gap in employment, no country has achieved parity in this area and a significant level of inequality still prevails in many countries . The OECD Secretary-General, Mr Angel Gurria highlighted the importance of…show more content…
Section three, details an explanation of the variables used in the study and the necessary preliminary analyses. The fourth and fifth section, respectively describes the applied methodology and discusses the results obtained. The last section concludes the paper. There is an extensive body of published literature on enhancing gender equality in employment, majority of studies focus on the factors which effect female employment rate, relative to male. However, these are commonly theoretical debates. Where the topic is empirically analysed, the emphasis is on one area of employment, for example the gender gap in participation or the gender wage gap (Gehringer et al., 2014; Evertsson, 2009; Jaumotte, 2003). This paper, however uses a comprehensive equality index to measure the overall level of gender equality in employment. This section of the paper makes mention of the various relevant factors which are believed to have an impact on gender equality in employment, through the analyses of past and current…show more content…
This would increase the female labour force participation rate and widen the economic opportunities available to women, thus resulting in a positive level of gender equality in employment. However, the role of family policies is not restricted to gender equality. An eminent study by Thévenon (2011) examines the cross-country differences in government-funded support towards families, in 28 OECD countries. He identifies six main objectives of family policies; ‘1) poverty reduction 2) direct compensation for the economic cost of children, 3) fostering employment, 4) improving gender equity, 5) supporting childhood development and 6) increasing fertility’. Some of these goals support gender equality in employment, while others such as poverty reduction and direct compensation can be destructive of

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