The Importance Of Equality In Society

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In the modern 21st century, people of all colors and creed can concede that everyone, regardless of their distinctions, ideally should be guaranteed fair and equal opportunities and treatment within the societies they reside in. Yet, equality does have its limits, and those limits should not be broken when that zeal of achieving total equality violates the rights of the individual and transgresses against the natural and sociocultural boundaries of that population of the society as a whole. With the development and expansion of the various mediums of communication and global marketing, it has become apparent that this circumstance has played a critical role in the outcomes of the current cultural marketplace. In the present time, individuals…show more content…
In the case of the 18th century author Mary Wollstonecraft, she hailed from the Georgian era of England. This was a time were industry was booming and class distinctions appearing more blatant than ever before, and a time where women were socially prohibited from certain rights and privileges, such as access to a proper education or even having the agency to provide for themselves. With those cultural and socially imposed obstacles, Wollstonecraft in her pamphlet “Of the Pernicious Effects Which Arise from Unnatural Distinctions Established in Society,” had addressed those societal issues in the most cautious and tacit manner as though she was tip-toeing through a minefield. Her cautious approach was utilized in a way that she would bring common ground and then draw in her readers over to her ideas after subtly criticizing the status quo, suggesting her solution to her general audience. In one thought-provoking argument regarding women in education, Wollstonecraft appeals to adherents of either side in the matter by stating, “Superior education enables them to take charge of the education of children as governesses” (205). This premise concludes that educated women would raise more competent and capable children, a notion that no parent in their right mind would reject. The…show more content…
“Sex and Temperament” A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers, 10th edition, edited by Lee A. Jacobus, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017, pp. 239-249 Douglass, Frederick. “From Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.” A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers, 10th edition, edited by Lee A. Jacobus, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017, pp. 743-756 Wollstonecraft, Mary. “Of the Pernicious Effects Which Arise from the Unnatural Distinctions Established in Society” A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers, 10th edition, edited by Lee A. Jacobus, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017, pp. 197-207 "Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China," adopted by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 27, 1981 Resolution on CPC History (1949–81). (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1981). pp.
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